Sunday, July 26, 2009

Teaching Days Two and Three!

I think that our lessons are going well. We had a lot of fun last Thursday teaching the children about colors, shapes and sizes. We actually hit upon a topic that they didn't already know! They didn't know the names of shapes! Who knew SQUARE was so tricky to say? During music class we let them listen to the Disney song called "The Spectrum Song" and they tried to count how many times he said "Red". With our help we counted 18 times! In one song! Sheesh!

Today we talked about different ways to describe people other than by saying what they like to do. Then Mitch and I put up pictures of our families and described them to the class. I used a wedding photo and I better warn Tyndall that there are some sixteen year old boys here who are very much in danger of falling in love with an American. When we told them that she was only sixteen their jaws hit the floor! They thought Ayja and Tyndall were very beautiful (they know that word well).

We taught them Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with a four part harmony that Mitch came up with. It was very fun to divide into sections and teach them the parts. They actually picked it up quite well. I would say that the part that was hardest for them was saying the words ". But we worked on it and even began to work in some dynamics! We also got them to sing us the song that we heard them sing at the opera. Mitch recorded both of them with his fancy microphone. They quite enjoyed the seriousness of recording.

We have begun giving the kids english names because their Mongolian names are very long and complicated. So far we have a Crystal, Sarina, Archie, Henry and Alan. Only like forty more to go!

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