Saturday, August 1, 2009

What time is it?

Summer time!

So apparently we  got here just in time for summer vacation!  We taught on Monday and prepared for the next class on Thursday but come Wednesday night we still hadn't been told what time on Thursday and when we asked it turns out that Monday was our last day for a while!  In fact the kids are all going home tomorrow (they are so excited) and we get to pick a vacation destination!  Mr. Wu would prefer it nearby so we're thinking somewhere in the grasslands.  I know Mitch would like to ride a horse.  We could maybe go near the desert and see if we could ride a camel but it's already pretty hot here so that could be interesting.

The other day Mitch and I were waiting for a cab (we never got one and ended up getting caught in the rain and getting completely soaked which the doorman of our building thought was pretty funny) and while we were standing on the sidewalk I saw something that just blew my mind!  Now I know I'm just so little girl from Utah and all but the sight of a child begging really threw me for a loop.  If you had tried to warn me by saying, "Now EvaLynn you have to be prepared.  In these big cities you're going to see children who are skinny and dirty, wearing clothes that are unrecognizable, holding out grubby little hands with tear-streaked faces begging for money." then you wouldn't have told me anything I didn't already know and wasn't already trying to prepare myself for.  But none of it would have done anyone any good because that isn't what I saw.  The little boy ran up to Mitch who was standing a few feet away from me, dropped to his knees and held up a bright red plastic bowl.  Mitch didn't pay him any attention and I had just enough time to feel glad that it wasn't me when the lady next to me yelled at the kid and pointed at me.  Quick as a snap he ran over to me and did the exact same thing.  I ended up staring at the lady in a bit of shock and they soon moved on.  They were both well dressed, clean, and well fed.  His mother carried a large purse, wore a scarf and had neat, well-kept hair.  My mind was still boggled when not five minutes later another mother this time with a pretty daughter pointed at me!  Down the girl goes with a bright green bowl held high above her head.  I think my jaw came down this time and they moved on down the street with the mother pointing at other people for her child to run to.  I've never seen anything like it!

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