Friday, September 18, 2009


We just tried to make stew for dinner.  We're actually getting quite good at this particular dish.  We cut up some potatoes and carrots, add in some freshly chopped beef and add in a dash of beef flavoring.  We left it to simmer away and the delicious aroma soon began to fill our apartment.  We checked on it every few minutes while enjoying an episode of Mr. Bean.  Suddenly Mitch leaps to his feet and runs into the kitchen!  He had heard a strange noise!  Was it the pot boiling over onto the floor? Noooo.  Was it potatoes exploding? Noooo.  Was it the ceiling falling into our dinner?  Yep. 

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Tara Long said...

Evalynn, I found your blog through family and I wanted to say hi! I hope you are doing well. It sounds like an adventure over there. Keep blogging! and you can check mine out too!

Unknown said...
