Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lots to report today.

EvaLynn has been off sedation for 24 hours and is going to be allowed to try cpap all day. New pain meds cause she doesn't care for morph. Still a few concerns trying to find the reason for spikey fever and rising white count. Fewer tubes! Central and arterial lines coming out and being replaced by a pic. yeah! Speculation that we can extubate in 24-48 hours. And reports of lawyer sightings have been trickling in.

Ev is communicating. Nods, eye rolls, hand waving. Hard to figure out. She has this circular hand wave which, as far as we can tell means: 1) Morphine is making me dizzy, 2) I need to move, 3) my dad is nuts.

Even this late in life, guitars are still cool and still draw people like magnets. Thankyou to John, Gordon, Bob, Marvin, Peter & Paul for giving me lots of things to sing to Ev & the staff.



Anonymous said...

Glad things are getting better, saw this powerpoint, thought of you and your family.
Much love,

click here for powerpoint

Beth said...

Way to go EvaLynn! Keep it up! (And the Bounous family--you're amazing)

Amber Horspool said...

Wow, Evalynn is improving so quickly! That is such good news:) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

EvaLynn, you are amazing and I'm praying for you! If I can help you or your incredible fam in any way DON'T hesitate to ask. I was in total shock when I heard about the accident. One thing's for sure, you've probably saved my life because I'm not going anywhere now without wearing my seatbelt. : ) Hang in there.

Unknown said...

I guess I have to stop complaining about my fender bender in December!

Our prayers are with you and your family.

Chris and Nani Wood

Ayjianio said...

Keep it up Boo Boo! We all miss you

do we know how the cat scan went yet?