Thursday, April 17, 2008

Growth hurts

ok, after reading my last few posts I guess I see why dr. House is like he is. My wife and I can easily step over from 'helpful' to 'pain in the butt'. Lots of improvement today but boy oh boy is she working for it. The nurses are restricting visitors even further and do not even hesitate to toss wife and me out. Though the vent is off ev still needs help and right now is wearing her darth vadar mask. She hates it because she can't see or put on glasses. She has lots of resp therapy toys she has to play with all day long.
special thankyous to mitch, courtney, and some unknown great cooks.

Barry Bounous


Unknown said...

are foodstuffs allowable gifts on the ICU unit?

Anonymous said...


We are so glad you are making such awesome progress! Our thoughts are with you as you continue to heal.
Barry, thank you so much for keeping us in the loop with this blog.
Love, from the Ferre family: Barb, Scott, Arielle and Celeste

Jaymeeduck said...


Yay for you! I'm glad you're making so much progress and that you're doing so much better. Keep up the hard work.

I wish I could come visit you, but it's kind of far for a weekend trip. ;)

Love you!


Amber Horspool said...

So exciting to hear of more progress. Evalynn, you rock!